Do you suffer from fear demons? Whatever your confidence issues: competition nerves or being afraid of jumping the ‘bogey’ fence or unable to hack your horse even nervous loading your horse. All of the above can be solved with the help of Inspirider.

Horse refusing a show jump & horse rider nearly falling off.
Horse refusing a show jump

Coaching sessions can be given off the horse, assuming that you have an issue of confidence rather than competence, and can be either face-to-face or via video-chat. Some people ask how this is going to help with their confidence issues, but as you imagined your fear (assuming that you are competent with what you are wanting to do), then by the same rights, your imagination (what goes through your head when you ride) is where you need to change your mental strategies. Using imagination, those feeling of fear/ nervousness can literally be brought up without the need for a horse, we can then alter this, changes any physical strategies that you may need to adapt when on the horse & run through the whole process using visualisation techniques.

If you feel that you have problem with getting nervous & so your competence can never move forward, then on the horse ‘fear-less rider clinics or one-to-one concentrated whole day sessions maybe for you!